Python is both dynamically and strongly typed language.
- i.e. Types are checked at run-time
- i.e. We can't intermingle variables with different type
Javascript: var b = 'x' + 3, This will assign 'x3' into b
While in python, you it would throw an exception
More into Dynamic Nature of Language:
When we declare a variable, we usually associate a type with that.
i.e. integer, float
For Example:
int a
float b
In STATICALLY typed language, variable type is fixed through out life cycle of program execution.
Assigning a = 's', ( integer typed variable to string would throw compile time error )
But, in python, it's dynamic nature.
Variable can hold any type of data through-out the life-cycle of program execution.
a = {'key':'value'} # first as dictionary
a = 'a' # now as String
So, during compile-time, type checks are skipped, Although, as its strongly typed language,
we can't intermingle two different type of variables.
It is up-to programmers test-suite to detect type errors.