Python IF Statement
False Values:
None, 0, empty string, empty list, empty dictionary
Boolean False:
True, False
1, 0
==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
Python doesn't have ! operator,
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> st = 'my non empty string'
>>> if(!st):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> if(not st):
print "Empty String"
print "Non Empty String"
Non Empty String
May 27, 2013
May 18, 2013
Python Strings - III
Pythonic way to copy a string/list
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> s = 'my new string'
>>> s
'my new string'
>>> s1 = s[:]
>>> s1
Python % and Strings
python comes up with printf like % things.
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> str = " I am learning %s since %d days " % ('python',5 )
>>> str
' I am learning python since 5 days '
After %, we need to provide tupple.
Python Unicode Strings:
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> str = u' Python Unicode \u018e '
>>> str
u' Python Unicode \u018e '
>>> s = str.encode('utf-8')
>>> s
' Python Unicode \xc6\x8e '
Pythonic way to copy a string/list
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> s = 'my new string'
>>> s
'my new string'
>>> s1 = s[:]
>>> s1
Python % and Strings
python comes up with printf like % things.
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> str = " I am learning %s since %d days " % ('python',5 )
>>> str
' I am learning python since 5 days '
After %, we need to provide tupple.
Python Unicode Strings:
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> str = u' Python Unicode \u018e '
>>> str
u' Python Unicode \u018e '
>>> s = str.encode('utf-8')
>>> s
' Python Unicode \xc6\x8e '
Python Strings - II
Python String Part -II
String Methods:
Difference between method and function is that, method is called on an 'object'
while function is called independant.
some of the methods:
s.upper() : converts to upper-case
s.lower() : converts to lower-case
s.strip() : trims spaces
s.isalpha() : whether the string is alpha numeric or not
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> s = 'd'
>>> s.isalpha
<built-in method isalpha of str object at 0x0039ECE0>
>>> s.isalpha()
>>> s = 'd3('
>>> s.isalpha()
>>> s = '3'
>>> s.isdigit
<built-in method isdigit of str object at 0x003AF580>
>>> s.isdigit()
String Methods:
Difference between method and function is that, method is called on an 'object'
while function is called independant.
some of the methods:
s.upper() : converts to upper-case
s.lower() : converts to lower-case
s.strip() : trims spaces
s.isalpha() : whether the string is alpha numeric or not
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> s = 'd'
>>> s.isalpha
<built-in method isalpha of str object at 0x0039ECE0>
>>> s.isalpha()
>>> s = 'd3('
>>> s.isalpha()
>>> s = '3'
>>> s.isdigit
<built-in method isdigit of str object at 0x003AF580>
>>> s.isdigit()
May 17, 2013
Python Strings
Python Strings:
Stings can be enclosed by " ( double quotes ) or ' ( single quotes )
escaping works on both single quotes and double quotes
Also, we can have multi-line strings.
- But for multiline strings, it has to be escaped by \
- Or we can use """ or '''
a = " this is \
multinline string "
a = """ this is
multine string """
String in python are immutable. i.e. once assigned, it can't be changed.
i.e. all manipulative operations are resulted into new string
we can use [] operator to access string characters
starting from 0 index
s = 'hello'
s[1] will be 'e'
len function returns lenght of the string
There is no ++ operator in python
Stings can be enclosed by " ( double quotes ) or ' ( single quotes )
escaping works on both single quotes and double quotes
Also, we can have multi-line strings.
- But for multiline strings, it has to be escaped by \
- Or we can use """ or '''
a = " this is \
multinline string "
a = """ this is
multine string """
String in python are immutable. i.e. once assigned, it can't be changed.
i.e. all manipulative operations are resulted into new string
we can use [] operator to access string characters
starting from 0 index
s = 'hello'
s[1] will be 'e'
len function returns lenght of the string
There is no ++ operator in python
May 16, 2013
Python Modules and Packages
python module
- module __name__
- a module can contain executable statements as well as functional statements
- those are executed only once
- modules has its private symbol table
- modules can import other modules
- if you include __name__ == __main__ -> then, it will execute
- otherwise, module can be imported too
python module search path
- module is first searched into module path
- then, module is searched in sys.path
- sys.path same as PATH variable in shell
what is python compiled file
- byte compiled.
- modification time
python standard modules
- python comes up with standard modules
- that is called python library reference
- dependant of system implementation
python packages:
- module namespace - by using dotted module names i.e. A.B
- import * = must be in file :
- module __name__
- a module can contain executable statements as well as functional statements
- those are executed only once
- modules has its private symbol table
- modules can import other modules
- if you include __name__ == __main__ -> then, it will execute
- otherwise, module can be imported too
python module search path
- module is first searched into module path
- then, module is searched in sys.path
- sys.path same as PATH variable in shell
what is python compiled file
- byte compiled.
- modification time
python standard modules
- python comes up with standard modules
- that is called python library reference
- dependant of system implementation
python packages:
- module namespace - by using dotted module names i.e. A.B
- import * = must be in file :
Python: Dynamic and Strongly Typed Language
Python is both dynamically and strongly typed language.
- i.e. Types are checked at run-time
- i.e. We can't intermingle variables with different type
Javascript: var b = 'x' + 3, This will assign 'x3' into b
While in python, you it would throw an exception
More into Dynamic Nature of Language:
When we declare a variable, we usually associate a type with that.
i.e. integer, float
For Example:
int a
float b
In STATICALLY typed language, variable type is fixed through out life cycle of program execution.
Assigning a = 's', ( integer typed variable to string would throw compile time error )
But, in python, it's dynamic nature.
Variable can hold any type of data through-out the life-cycle of program execution.
a = {'key':'value'} # first as dictionary
a = 'a' # now as String
So, during compile-time, type checks are skipped, Although, as its strongly typed language,
we can't intermingle two different type of variables.
It is up-to programmers test-suite to detect type errors.
Python Basics
Why Python ?
- Efficient High-Level Data-structures.
- Tupples
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Sets
- Simple Object Oriented Approach
- Elegant Syntax
a = "hi %s" % "Dave"
- Dynamic Typing
- i.e. type-checks are performed at run time
April 22, 2013
March 29, 2013
Bootstrap modal in center
Showing up bootstrap.js modal dialog into center, when we dont use default width.
here is the hack:
'margin-top': function () {
return -($(this).height() / 2);
'margin-left': function () {
return -($(this).width() / 2);
March 23, 2013
Zend Framework Basics
Zend Framework, is basically, collection of component,
when put together, we can build web-app relatively faster and stronger.
While, we can use indiviual component too.
Comes up with basic componanents:
when put together, we can build web-app relatively faster and stronger.
While, we can use indiviual component too.
Comes up with basic componanents:
March 14, 2013
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